The Rotary Club of Colonial Park recognized six local students from five local school districts.
The Colonial Park Rotary Club recently honored Christi Broomhead from the Dauphin County Technical School, Tyler Villegas from Central Dauphin High School, Jahnea Pressley from Central Dauphin East High School, Dominique McDevitt from Bishop McDevitt High School and Halee Dunford from Harrisburg Christian School as Students of the Month for the month of May 2018.
Please join us in congratulating the follow students who were recognized at our weekly meeting:
(L-R/ front row) Dominique McDevitt, Christi Broomhead, Colonial Park Rotary Club President Melanie Walderon and Halee Dunford
(L-R/back row) Jahnea Pressley, Colonial Park Rotary Club Vocational Service Chairman John Stoeckle, Tyler Villegas and Alexandra Hanshaw
(L-R/back row) Jahnea Pressley, Colonial Park Rotary Club Vocational Service Chairman John Stoeckle, Tyler Villegas and Alexandra Hanshaw
Also honored was Alexandra Hanshaw from Harrisburg Christian School as student of the month for April 2018. #futureleaders #recognizingexcellence